Listening to Youth Experience: A Path to Strengthening Learning Programs

How might you listen to youth experience as a way to inform program design and practices?

At Convergence Design Lab, we aim to build resilient learning ecosystems. ​ But for many program leaders, enhancing learning can feel like navigating a dense jungle. ​ One guiding question can help clear the path: How might you listen to youth experience to inform program design and practices? ​

Listening to youth experience goes beyond just hearing their voices. ​ It involves observing what young people are doing, saying, thinking, and feeling in your program. ​ This approach guided our work with Urban Alliance (UA), an organization running high school internship programs in five cities. ​ Despite their success, UA sought to strengthen learning within their program. ​

We began with interviews and focus groups with youth interns, staff, and job mentors, and observed workshops. ​ This comprehensive review provided a nuanced understanding of young people's experiences. ​ One key insight emerged: mentorship was central to the interns' growth. ​ The real-world context and supportive relationships with mentors allowed interns to build skills, join a community, and cultivate a network—opportunities hard to find elsewhere. ​

Another critical aspect was agency. ​ UA youth interns had significant autonomy in navigating work contexts, but there was a gap in how they articulated their skill development. ​ This led to the Skills Transparency Project, where interns documented their skills, creating portfolios of experience and evidence. ​ This empowered them to confidently discuss their skills in future college and career opportunities. ​

To support this, we developed a mentor toolbox with conversation tools, training modules, and a resource hub, tailored to regional needs. ​ This ensured all elements of the ecosystem worked in harmony. ​

Applying a learner-experience lens helps connect program design elements directly to youth growth. ​ By asking, "What is this program element doing for the learner?" ​ you can guide your efforts effectively. ​ Listening to youth experience provides that clear path forward so you can  truly see the forest through the trees and strengthen your learning program.

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